If one or more of the answers to the following questions is (are) YES, then the people that are involved need to be aligned again to the entity’s culture and targets.
- Are you facing difficulties to implement changes?
- Is the same work is done with different ways?
- Are the requirements from the people not always get understood?
- Priorities are not the same to everybody involved?
- Facing difficulties to break down barriers between SDPs?
Since each business entity is unique in its operations comparing even to similar entities, it is easily understood that when issues arising, then the response to them must be unique and always to be based on the culture and the visions of the CEOs/owners.
It is obvious, that when acceptance and utilization among employees are increasing, the probability to success on entity’s target is increasing.
We contribute to this acceptance and utilization increase, by advising, coaching, training and management servicing. We, as management consultants, “family” participants accept to have our own part in the ownership of the entity’s change.
We act as entrepreneurs, CEOs and as people, we adapt ourselves in the entity’s culture and established (or to be established) processes. Our differentiation from others is that we dare to take the ownership of the change to the next level of our client’s entity.
So, in our holistic approaches, strategies and plans that focus on the impact and effects to the people of the entity, we achieve that the new target level change, happens to one person at a time and eventually transform the change of the mind to change in the attitude and the change in the people’s actions.
Once (the change) happened then the entity acquires simultaneously the ability to incorporate in the culture the potential to change again in the future when the Top Management decides to do it again due to market’s evolved conditions.

The following tasks will be followed :
- Organization Assessment (CEO and owners included)
- Governing Alignment
- Communication Framework definition
- Organization Risk Assessment
- Create, agree upon, the management Plan for the Entity to Change, including training, communication and Governing
- Deliver and/or Execute the Agreed Plan