How we work
We are addressing the CEO/owner/stakeholders’ majority, to identify and describe the issue(s) to be tackled. Identify and describe the expected results (always measurable).
Having always in mind the WHOLE in the back of our heads, we look into the various segments/departments/process/Risk parts (SDPR) of the business entity.
Then, we try to identify where the specific SDPR over/under perform in its contribution to the business entity.
We are using optionally our own resources in this process, being the top best in the market in their fields, or using relevant resources of the business entity.
On the conclusion phase, we, together with the CEO/owner(s) cross check the expected results.
Big part of our compensation is coming from the results achieved compared to the initial targets. We are so sure about our results that we dare to do it.
Where necessary we contribute on top of the requested results by providing solutions that the company cannot manage. E.g. Networking, Financing, Outsourcing, Sourcing etc.
Major SDPRs that in most of the cases get under checking are:
People, Processes, Networking, Risk